A blog about climbing full time on the road.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Leaving the country today

Well today we leave the USA for the beginning of our 8 month trip abroad. We start in SE Asia, head to South Africa, then to Australia, New Zealand, and finally back to SE Asia before returning home in time for Christmas this year. We're currently in our first real break from climbing and are enjoying being a bit lazy. We're mostly traveling in SE Asia and will start climbing hard again when we get to South Africa.

Super psyched to get moving. It was excellent to see so many friends and family recently and we will look forward to seeing you all again when we get home.

The next post should be from Thailand!!!!!!


Jim Moser said...

Really glad we got to catch up with you again and finally meet Cassie. Only you could find someone so cool in the wilds of Alaska. Looking forward to your posts and hope to see you two when you get back in OH-IO.

BTW: We're all just a tiny bit jealous... OK, we're literally green in color.

Matthew and Cassie said...

The feeling is mutual. We were really happy to meet up with you and Karen. It was an excellent weekend. Really hope it works out to see you guys again when we return.

We'll probably be a bit green as well, but from drinking contaminated water overseas. might make my "try hard face" again.